Saturday, October 17, 2009

steve dalachinsky - (evan parker – fred frith duo set 2 @ the stone 10/15/09)

frith froth

(evan parker – fred frith duo set 2 @

the stone 10/15/09)

no bail out akin to start

no holds barred

ofter the fixer

a smooth esthetic from the get-go

every beat on the beatup

fred brushin the strings / palette painted

like painting yes they are painting

beyond trinkle tinkle

beyond mere trinket & artifice

suffice it to say THIS is ART

tuning up/down boing-a-boingin

see the sounds emerge & merge

contradict & concisely consciously depict

act (en) counter / attack

fred tingly raspy like dynamo in a sci-fi flick

reactor exploding

no needing to see or even anticipate one another

no formulaic formulas

creating immediate solvable theories

that need not be solved immediately

defined as un-definable

turbine(d) – cycling attentiveness

it’s the chains broke free

& put thru the sifter

think incredible not incredulous thoughts

meta-bonding / bounding bound by & bowed by…

hot for an underlying melody @ times

a second there & gone to lilting

this craving

my gruff pushy boyish naïve sensitive self

me most sensitive soul - ted coughs right in my ear

a mini tsunami ensues

fierce wind & storm out on the street tonite

in here too

donors aplenty though donors be rare

there are salient & savory promptitudes & angles

with platitudes never part of the issue

large men & their umbrellas being breathed away

take my hand – i call to her as the storm blows us

down the street but she is too busy shouting @ me over

some silly domestic dispute

fred’s bare feet hit the pedals

his toes curl up - something electric there

the storm inside is also strong

& rips thru us just as the one out there


if you’ll only hold on to me for a bit instead of your anger

i think to myself keeping a safe distance at her request

leave your anger across the street i have

for now @ least

leave the cycles @ home

they play laments

spacious liturgical almost – distended church bell

difficult sonorities – a whole new view

knocking on the doors of…

fred says have to tune to that one now just so we can see where it’s going

not that we care – that’a another one down -

evan says: & 5 more to go

well we have to end by 11 - evan says pointing to the ceiling

we’ve got 3 minutes left

let’s see what we can play in 3 minutes

it’s the ballad isn’t it – fred says

i thought we played the ballad already – evan says –

we only know one – it’s gonna be a pretty ballad fred chimes in

& more ongaku & eumahk begin

& my body has gone somewhere else just then … AMEN.

dalachinsky nyc 10/15/09

Thursday, October 15, 2009

steve dalachinsky - (evan parker @ the stone 10/13/09)

(evan parker @ the stone 10/13/09)

set 1 (w/ cyril baptiste)
disconnecting the dots

the idea is to disconnect the dots
deep/throat the gong-a-limbs
thru scat-loops echoing metals
melding of fractions / simultaneous monologues
inter-national enveloping esthetic
perhaps the shaking off of parallels
slight vibration & busy percussion
paddle-odium minor pandemonium moan-ium
shades of scrape-forge
neo-generated messticuffs
hot blood mingling with cool reserve
tenorocities & tambourine dance
like a horde of mad cicadas
rhythmic pitted against arrhythmic multiples
& there go those birds again
meeting dense air with their clatter & chatter
blood that flows thru the dreamer’s cheeks
disembodied voices made whole thru the berimbau’s shimmer
& here we all are froze in tropics
optical allusions
high above the bottom of the trees
thunder crunched brain-things
brew web transparencies
clap – a – clap – a – clap ah pop a - clap – a – clapper
connecting dots disconnecting dots then putter sputter
will-o-the-brush & slide & glide uncloaked &
what comes from one ritual & another
paddle-wheeling the ancestors down the thames
the hudson the amazon the nile from credible to incredible
power & mystery
fried by contemporary antiquity.

set 2 (w/ chris corsano & nate wooley)

reconnecting the dots

in the E-ZONE
froze vibrating combinations omni- here-encies
leverages cantilevered
dropped in the cap of severe union
there gurge in the statement
no stalemates just jubilation
ordinance pre-ordinance ordination
cherubering in high/lows abstracted
tracking revolutions & here-goes-oh-went
with ergo the tremulous 0 @ its tremendously best
sidefraturing delvemed protractions
less insula or out more on overtaking understood
come no prepare thyself for foresight
groundwork illumined the basis for dialogues
(o)vert(ically) in a mostly horizontal place
- it’s older than you think –
conceptual thinking connecting the dots
seeing one’s fate fall off the band wagon
(stand) dangerously close to the edge of the
(g)rim of the whirld
live the trimmerendorous climb

motions an exhaled wind (ow)
with a view of the climbers
pulling bits of silences from precipitous
heights – cheerio the meal’s afall o reckoning
here the boat’s let loose down stream
& thru the rapids – then free falls o’er the falls
the top the peakless o’er it’s light & lamp
& end the plunge as it prevails
its cohesion amongst a spillage of dots.

dalachinsky nyc 10/13/09